How Many Things Can You Think Of At One Time?
4-S Golf Instruction: Saner, Sounder, Simpler and Self-correcting
After 30 years of research and development, "Golf's One Motion" and scientific facts unveil the truth about your golf swing -- SURPRISE -- its not what you've been taught! Recent "National Golf Foundation" statistics show golfers are not improving. Golfers are blaming themselves, instead of golf instruction that's not up to par. The golfer must be given the correct key to unlock golf's great mystery. The "Golf's One Motion" instructional video gives you that key and stops the insanity of constant contradictions and quick fixes that are here today, gone tomorrow. All those countless positions and body parts you've worked on will become automatic. You will get instant feel - feedback, so you can self-correct! Whether beginner or expert, you are guaranteed to benefit from our common sense approach.
The Frankel Golf Academy is proud to offer this eye-opening golf instructional video package that will stand the test of time and help millions of golfers who struggle needlessly. Let's look at the record.
What all great players do, but can't explain
Line up a dozen P.G.A. tour stars and take pictures of their swings. They all look different -- there is no model! Now, ask them how they play and you get contradictory answers. Yet, they all have accuracy, distance, and repeat their swings with consistency. What is Golf's Common Denominator?? See, feel, and hear for yourself how in the "Golf's One Motion" video package we scientifically prove the only reason for every good shot every struck. Everyone says they have a secret. There are no secrets -- just a definite motion that must be present in the clubhead. The key to a consistent and accurate golf swing Our specific practice procedures and Motion TrainerTM takes you off of the experimenting merry-go-round and puts consistency in your game. Another benefit of our system, is that it allows you to practice indoors. In "Golf's One Motion" you will learn to move the club with pendulum-like accuracy. Your playing partners will be amazed that every swing repeats its arc. The better the motion, the more accurate you get. Even when you don't quite have it, your misses will be better, resulting in lower scores. How to get maximum distance Have you ever struck a shot that felt smooth and effortless, yet seemed to travel a country mile? The reason for that long ball is you didn't interfere with centrifugal force, giving you maximum clubhead speed. "Golf's One Motion" will teach you how easy it is to apply your power properly to create maximum force. Using this method, a 6-year-old weighing only 45 lbs. can strike a ball over 150 yards. Let's face it, you may not go as far as John Daly, but you will learn how to create the same motion and reach your distance potential. You now have the greatest force a human can produce. Finally, the phrase, "Let the club do the work," will really mean something. |