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Frankel Golf School testimonials.

Golf swing instruction testimonials.
 "Perhaps you remember me. I attended your golf school and I think you will be interested in the result. My index was 19.9, and three months after working with your method, my index is now 13.7. I am very happy with the progress I have been making, but this morning, to put the frosting on the cake, I beat my age for the first time ever - score 78, age 80. I want to thank you very much for your effective teaching."  - Scott Walker, Walnut Creek, CA
 "After a year or so working with your method, my league handicap went from a 16 to a 6.5. I know what to do now and when I do it, I play at my maximum potential. What else can I ask for? I no longer have to deal with weekly mechanical fixes and contradictory instruction. Golf is fun again! Thanks again."  - Rick O'Connell, Cottage Grove, MN

 "Your work and the work of your predecessor, Mr. Ernest Jones, is the missing link that I've been searching for. Frankly, most of what is taught by the so-called best teaching professionals is an impossibility for the average golfer to learn. As a psychologist, I have been lecturing for decades that you can only think of one thing at a time. What you teach, how to create the correct motion with the clubhead based on universal laws, is an exciting and easy to learn concept. Working with your method was like taking a weight off my shoulders. I was walking around with a smile on my face when I realized that golf really is an easy game, especially when you can trust what we know are universal laws that can't be disputed."  - Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., CEO, Stress Management Institute, San Francisco, CA

 "Being a beginner, I heard how hard golf was to learn. Some of my friends took up the game and quit. With your system, I found the golf swing felt natural. I had success, and golf was no big deal. Thank you for teaching me the joy of the game!"  - Kathy Woodford

 "After trying the Frankel method, I never hit the ball better in my life."- Rocky Thompson, Winner - Senior PGA Tour

 "I loved your school. Not only did I cut 8 strokes off my game, but I also added 20 yards to my drives. Many, many thanks." - Karen Blackman, Long Island, NY
 "I am in Frankel's hands." - John Steadman, Sports Writer, The Baltimore Evening Sun
 "It's so simple, it's scary. You gotta accept its simplicity and then trust it. I went from shooting 98 to 81 fast. It works!" - Rick Sanchez, N.B.C. TV News - Miami, Florida
 "I don't believe that any golf school could be more informative or results oriented than your schools. Thank you for making golf fun again."  - Nancy Dimbowski, Dalton, GA

 "Concentrating on the swinging motion has cleared my brain... I am exceedingly pleased with my ball striking and have played some of my best golf over the last 5 years. This is truly a self correcting teaching philosophy."  - John R. Feagler, M.D., Omaha, Nebraska

 "I want to thank you for making the game of golf fun. I now play by feel, not body parts and my enjoyment of the game has increased tenfold. Before I learned your method, my scores for the most part, were in the 90's. Now I shoot in the high 70's to low 80's and I am only playing about 4 times a month. Unfortunately, my buddies no longer give me any strokes; in fact I have to give them strokes now."  - Fred Coutts, Seattle, WA

 "I have tried a lot of things and read dozens of books but nothing has been as productive as the three words -Swing the Clubhead. The more clearly I was able to feel the swinging of the clubhead, the better my shots. Swinging the clubhead, as you teach it, will be the focus of my practice and play from now on."  - Henry Lawrence, Davidson, N.C.

 "The Frankel Method is so exciting and simple, I am at a loss for words. I can't thank you enough for the freedom you have extended me. If you do not want to spend a fortune on lessons, if you do not want to tinker with your swing forever and if you want an honest approach backed up by physical laws and logic, then I recommend the Frankel's method without reservation."  - John Casion II, Kirkville, N.Y.

 "I purchased your video package several months ago and its change my golfing life. For 15 years I struggled with lessons and tips. When I shot a good or bad round, I never knew why -- because I never had a swing. My scores have dropped from high eighties to low eighties so far. Golf has become fun and a lot less tiring. By the way, I am 68 years old."  - Jerry Kaplan, Tampa, FL
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Golf Instrucional Video : Ernest Jones Method : Frankel Golf Academy Palm City, FL